Creating an HTML Page (#2)
Although with some experience in coding, I thought creating an HTML page would be a little daunting as I have never done it before. The extent to how I know what HTML was is during class and YouTube video tutorials on how to create a website. Looking at the developer tools in chrome by hitting F12 also added to the little amount of knowledge I know about HTML as well. Other than that, there was not much I knew about it. However, actually going through with the process in making a HTML page was not as difficult as I thought it would potentially be. For starters, to create a simple piece of code using HTML, I was able to use a notepad compared to something such as a programming language like Java, Python, JavaScript or C++ for example in order to get the code working. Compared to some classes I took for coding, watching a video tutorial on how to create a HTML page was relatively easy to follow. You would something similar to an essay, such as a Title, creating body paragraphs, and having those closing statements in order for it to be considered complete. Usually, an HTML page includes the less than or more than symbols, such as < or >, and a / to add on to the documents. Using these symbols help identify which part goes with what and how it functions as a whole piece of code rather than only functioning by itself. I really enjoyed this process of creating a page on my own and would like to make more things not only for HTML pages but also things beyond it.
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