Erik Hanberg (Post 5)
I was in class and heard about Erik Hanberg's presentation on how technology has affected him as not only an author but being a part of many other things such as having a podcast and being able to publish his own books and novel's. He is also considered to be a sort of businessman in a sense as to how his sales could be reviewed. I have also asked him what a balance of being an author feels like. There was an analogy that he described with him being in a cave and also trying to be outside of the cave, which meant that he had to be in the cave and work on his books in order for them to actually be read and sold potentially, but also mix in the business side of things. Because of how accessible technology is, Erik Hanberg figured out that you really can't be too radical on each side as it will either burn you out as a person if you work too much on creating novels and not marketing or create an audience too big with little content to digest which could also mean less sales in the long run. He had also made a "dummy" book to test out and see if selling his books online would be a viable option. It turns out that having the dummy book be presentable online would have some sales (at least 3 sales I believe) which would mean that he could have a way to publish his books without having a third party do it for him. Erik Hanberg would then be more independent and receive all the sales that would go into his books.
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