to Dot.bomb
During the presentation for to Dot.bomb, the main premise of it was to represent how all of these different websites and companies ruled in the wild west of the internet, or better yet the the age of the dinosaurs. The use of dinosaurs before lecture did not make sense at first, but as time went on through out the lecture, everything started to all come together. The dinosaurs represented the companies that existed way back when the internet didn't grow fully yet. ranging from AOL to Yahoo, they were the main things that ran on the web. However as time past, even more companies started to grow and created a more denser competition. From an inability to adapt to the present to pure greed, one by one each company that represented a dinosaur collapsed and eventually the huge boom of the internet would be the equivalent to the asteroid that wiped out all of the dinosaurs that roamed the internet. The only website/company that caught my eye was Yahoo. Back in 2008, before googl...